Apartment Owners

Enrich Residents’ Lives. Partner with Kids-U
Want to make a real impact on your apartment community?
Want to improve resident retention and the overall
safety of your community?


Kids-University is the choice for your apartment community.  Kids-U is an out-of-school time tutoring program providing services during the school year and the summer months.


Our afterschool and summer programs are designed for children in grades K-8th. Our programs are high quality meeting industry best practices. Kids-U will bring three distinct programs to your community:
The design of our tutorial program is to teach children the concepts they are learning in their everyday classroom in a fun, engaging and meaningful way.  Our program is guided by the “5 Principles of Learning”: active, collaborative, meaningful, supporting mastery, and expanding horizons. Our PATHWAYS curriculum is aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) allowing Kids-U to mirror and extend the concepts the student is learning in the classroom.  
Our summer enrichment camp runs for eight weeks out of the 11-week break.  Our first objective is to keep the at-risk child learning and out of trouble by providing an enriching day-camp environment where children are challenged and engaged, but most of all having fun!

To prevent “summer learning loss,” our camps also provide an after-lunch Study Hall each Monday – Wednesday. We take concepts presented in PATHWAYS throughout the year and create reviews for students to keep information fresh in their minds.

  • To achieve the “whole child” approach, we go beyond academics and social-emotional learning by also meeting the needs of the family and the greater community.
    • Family Services
      • English a s Second Language (ESL) and GED Programs
      • Financial Literacy Training
      • Parenting Workshops
    • Community Services
      • Community Events – bring residents together to develop a sense of community
      • Crime Watch Program –  teach residents how to assist in providing a safe community
      • Resident Council Program


Our tutoring program (M-TH 3:00-6:00 pm) focuses on tutoring in math, language arts and reading.

Our summer program (M-F 9:00am-3:00pm) provides exploration and tutoring during the summer months to prevent summer learning loss


Kids-U in your community can provide many benefits:
Resident Retention
Families in apartment communities that provide a Kids-U After-School and Summer Program tend to stay in the apartment community longer.  Retaining residents in your community will increase your bottom line!
Reduction in Crime
Kids-U works to strengthen existing Crime Watch programs in your community or begin a new Crime Watch program.  Our Crime Watch Programs meet the DPD Apartment Management Crime Watch requirements. To further assist with crime reduction, Kids-U will also partner with your Courtesy Patrol and DPD.
Reduction in Vandalism
When children of the community participate in our program after school and during the summer, the apartment community experiences less vandalism of the property.  Participation in our programs keeps children occupied and involved in educational activities — and most of all, having fun!
Tax Deductible

Kids-U is a non-profit organization.  Any in-kind donations to our programs are tax deductible for your apartment community.

Kids-U is a win-win opportunity for owners and residents of the apartment community

To learn more about our program fill out the information below:

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